Tasks are simple the action items which you plan to do or get it done by delegating to someone. This is a real to do things where you perform actions. You can create simple tasks or habit based i.e. repeated tasks.
Simply create a task from here. Once created, click on the task to fill/ set other details. It will show a window like this:
More about tasks #
This is one of the most important parts of the Siddhify system which let you create your action items also called as to-dos or tasks.
Task views #
We have two different interface layouts for task view. One is list layout while the other is column layout. Both have different benefits and use cases.
List view #
Column view #
In Siddhify, we have divided the tasks into four different categories. These are
Unassigned Tasks #
This is the default status of a new task. You can consider unassigned task as your bucket from where you can reassign them to your desired task category.
Mission Critical Tasks #
This is the most important task category which tells you that nothing more important than these tasks. You should always focus on these tasks first than any other categories.
Tip: #
- Always add 1-3 tasks of your prime dream project into mission critical. Once they are done add more.
- Do not add too many tasks into mission critical category or it will be cluttered.
- Try to only add your prime dream tasks into this category.
Important Tasks #
These are important tasks; you can add tasks from any dream to this category if you consider them important.
Tip: #
- Only add 5-7 important tasks at a time into this category and add more only when the existing tasks already.
Everything else tasks #
These are low weightage tasks. You can add 7-10 of these tasks at any point of time and do it whenever you want. These tasks should not impact any of your dream, and most importantly should not impact your prime dream.
Important Features of tasks module #
On the above image, #
- When there is a comment/ message posted on a task, the title will be red and italic.
- When a comment is read, or no comment, then the task title will be black and standard text
- When there is a red exclamation sign at the beginning of the task title, that means the due date is passed.
- The six dots at the beginning of a task means you can click then hold drag and drop it into different categories.
- There are four different categories of task
- Unassigned – this is the category that is assigned by default. This means there is no real category assigned yet.
- Mission critical – this is the top priority category. You should only keep 1-3 tasks at a time in this category.
- Important – this is the important category. You should only keep 5-7 max tasks at a time in this category
- Everything else – in this category you can keep as many tasks as you want.
- The black circle before the task title is used when you want to close a task. You can simply click this circle button. You will see a notification when a task is closed, and you will have 5 seconds to undo the task closing action. Here is a screenshot
- There is an arrow circle instead of the black full circle, which means the task is a repeat/ habit-ba1sed task.
- If you put the task priority high, it will show a red flag on the second line of each task. The low priority has green color flag, and medium priority has a yellow color flag. Here is a screenshot
- When there is a repeat task, you will see sub tasks occurrence based on the interval set in the task. For example, if there is a task repeated every weekday then you will see one sub task is created every weekday from Monday to Friday or the days that you set. .
- You can add as many tags as you want in a task. Tags are searchable.
- Also, there is an icon for repeat tasks. When you click on this, you will see the sub tasks attached to it.
- You can set the progress percentage in any task according to you. It shows like this:
- When there is a dream attached to a task, you will see its icon when hovering on the task. On hovering, it will show you the dream name.
- If you are on a premium plan, you will have the option to add sub users. Once sub users are added, you can delegate your task to any sub user you want to.
- If there is any goal assigned to a task, it will show a goal icon when hovering over a task. When hovering on the goal icon, it will show you the goal name.
- We also have Kaizen activity. Once a task is a listed kaizen activity, it will show you an icon when you hover over the task.
- Based on our predefined scoring algorithm, every task has some score set to it. You will see the task score when you hover over the task.
- The last three dots button is a quick action button on the task.
- When we click on any task from the task listing, it opens a right-side panel with various details about that task. It looks something like this
- You can see a due date on the top, a slider to increase or decrease the progress of that particular task and various other common fields like task title, description etc.
- You can see the advance option when clicking on the Advanced Options. These are the advanced options:
- Quick tasks create option. You can simply keep adding the title and press the enter button or click on Add a task button to create a quick task. By default, a quick task will be added under the unassigned category which you can change at any time.
- “Load More +” When there are more than 15 tasks in any list, you will see a load more button to load more tasks from that list.
- Sorting option. You have lots of sorting options on the task interface. You can sort by category i.e. unassigned, mission critical, important and everything else.
You can also sort by task created date.
New addition: we recently added counting of tasks showing in a bubble on the task categories. This will help you understand how many tasks you have assigned in each category. - The other filter option – you can filter the tasks by dream, goal, sub user, status and tag.
- This is the view when you close both the left and right panels.